2014 Male Triathlete of the Year
Presented by Mike BurnsGood evening! My name is Mike Burns, recently the 2014 Gulf Winds Triathletes (club) Secretary, current Gulf Winds Track Club Board member, and dashing man-about-town. It is my honor to present this evening the Gulf Winds Track Club’s Male Triathlete of the Year as selected by Gulf Winds’ Awards committee.
This award, first given in 1999, goes to the GWTC triathlete, active in the club, whose love of triathlon is demonstrated not only in competition, but also in commitment, service & inspiration. This means that you can’t be in Momo’s on any given third Monday of the month without bumping into many worthy candidates. But only one can be selected. And the award I was assigned to present limits eligibility to males.
Initially there was only one award and men and women were both eligible. In 2009, the club began recognizing the top male and the top female performers as the number of triathlete members grew. Prior recipients include Seeley Lovett (2007); Stephanie Liles (2008); Shannon Coates (2009); Ann Bowman (2010); Jennifer Kilinski (2011) just to name a few.
This year’s winner garnered three first place age group wins, finished two other races in the top five, and completed a 70.3 race and 140.6 Ironman race. He also qualified for Age Group Nationals.
Besides training and racing he has volunteered at local swim clinics, coordinated aspects of kids triathlon clinics and races, and served on the Gulf Winds Triathletes Board. He has been instrumental in a myriad of club activities including writing for and updating the club website and facilitating the club’s participation in IM club events. His leadership and skills related to his legal background have contributed to his successful presidency of the Triathlon club and will be sorely missed as he has just rotated off the Board.
Please join me in recognizing your 2014 Gulf Winds Triathlete of the Year…. Rob McNeely.