2017 Features Archives Index

The Same Old Story, Bill Lott to the Rescue

Same Old Story - Bill Lott to the Rescue Zack Sharlepp, “There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn and they make new and curious...

We need more of these (David)

We Need More of These David Yon, The roar from the carnage at our schools, churches, malls and hotels seems to make us incapable of rational thought. If arming teachers or attacking the mentally ill is the best we can come up with… I must wonder how long...

Busting down barriers – Zack’s Korner

Busting Down Barriers Zack Sharlepp, Anytime I watch a major running event I always find myself fanaticizing what it would be like to be a professional runner. The luxury of running whenever you want. The ability to rest and recover immediately after each...

Salute to Paul Hoover

A Salute to Paul Hoover's Good Work It has been more than 9 months since we lost Paul Hoover to a hit and run driver. On March 1st at 2:30 Wakulla High School will dedicate its track to Paul, naming the track after him. You are all invited.  David Yon,...

The Marathon’s a Comin'(David)

The Marathon's A Comin' David Yon, On January 14, 2018, we are a mere 20 days away from the start of the Tallahassee Marathon and Half Marathon. It has been exciting to watch the way the entire community has rallied around the event the last few years....

Lord, Thanks for the Volunteers! (David)

Lord, thanks for those volunteers David Yon, So many races in Tallahassee, even the quirky ones, have 30-year histories. 2018 started off with one that is in only its fifth year. Nevertheless, l would not be surprised to see the event still well attended...

Wilde Mountain Adventure

2018 WILDE MOUNTAIN SCRAMBLE Fran McLean, 34 Runners and 5 dogs braved the artic-like weather on New Year’s morning to attend the 2018 Wilde Mountain Scramble held at Forest Meadows. Even braver were the race organizers - Ray Hanlon, Bill Lott, Fran McLean...

Into every race, a little rain must fall

Into Every Race a Little Rain Must Fall - But Not too Often David Yon, The FSU football game on December 3, reminded me a bit of Thanksgiving. It was a time to forget what has been another troublesome year and find a safe spot to hide in where people could...

Giving Thanks(Giving)(Gordon)

A View from the TopGiving Thanks(Giving) Gordon Cherr, The run starts for me, as usual, at the break of day. Two blocks then past the unmanned guard station, to the Atlantic beach. The beach is deserted for miles but for the hardcore surfers, just outside...

Magic Mile (David)

The Magic! Mile David Yon, with contributions from Mary Jean, Peg Griffin and Mae Cleveland,  Rex had to have a smile on his face last Sunday afternoon, November 5, 2017. One hundred and thirty or so runners waiting anxiously for the start of the Magic...

Go for it on a Beautiful Day – Shalane Did!

On a Beautiful Day - Go for it! David Yon,  It must have been a beautiful day. If you run long enough, you know there are good days and there are bad days – especially when you speak of the marathon. Gary Griffin, Tallahassee resident and Gulf Winds Track...

I am That Runner (Gordon)

A View from the TopI am That Runner Gordon Cherr,  I Am That RunnerI am that runner you see every morning on your drive to work. Or on your way home.I am that runner you see rain or shine, hot or cold, winter, summer, autumn, springtime.I am that runner...

Zack’s Korner – Nominate early and often

Take the time to nominate good candidates for the Annual Wards Zack Scharlepp, GWTC President, The 2017 awards season is in full swing. Tinsel town kicked things off last month with the annual Emmy awards hosted by noted comic and political commentator...

How They Train – Laura McDermott

How They Train!Laura McDermott Age37Did you compete in high school cross country or track?No, I was a dancer, gymnast, and cheerleader.How many years have you been running?Almost 20 years … running most every day since I was 18. I needed it to relieve...

The Perils of Pine Run (David Yon)

The Perils of the Pine Run David Yon, She sat down in the middle of the street, oblivious to traffic, and started hitting her head with a mallet. It hurt, so she pounded herself harder and harder. Finally, she rose to her feet and began a wobbly walk to...

A Time to Celebrate – WDF (David Yon)

A Time to Celebrate – Women’s Distance Festival 5K David Yon,  I am not sure when it happened exactly, but the number of women finishing road races in the United States now exceeds the number of men by a substantial number. Running USA reports that in...

How They Train – Brittney Barnes

How They Train!Brittney Barnes Age29Did you compete in high school cross country or track?I ran XC and track at Miami South Ridge Sr. High, starting out as a sprinter, with my focus being the 400 but slowly transitioned to the 800 by my coach. I didn’t run...

What Color is Your Race (David Yon)

What color is your race? David Yon, Saturday,  Saturday morning's Run for Sickle Cell 5K was held under brilliant blue skies and probably the coolest temperatures for a race, so far, this summer. Add in whatever strange atmospheric vibes fast approaching...

In a Matter of Minutes (David Yon)

In a Matter of Minutes… David Yon, I admit it. I took the easy way out. I reached down into my bag of excuses and surrendered before I stepped on the track. Saturday mid-August belongs to the mile race on the track in Tallahassee. For many, it is the...

Why Do We Do This (Zack’s Korner)

From Zack's Corner - We do this for fun? Zack Scharlepp, President's column  Running a Marathon is hard! My last two attempts at 26.2 miles have not gone according to plan, resulting in the first two DNFs of my short running career. In December the heat...