2022 Gulf Winds Hall of Fame Award

Presented by Mark Priddy
January 8, 2023

“Individuals who have brought respect to the Gulf Winds Track Club through their contributions, activities, and running accomplishments, and who have played a major role in reshaping the ideals of the club…” Reshaping the ideals of the club.

The past couple of years I have developed a deeper appreciation for those of you who always say “yes” when asked to serve the Club.

Lisa Unger - New Member of the GWTC Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame Inductee – Lisa Unger

Tonight’s honoree always says yes. Even when not asked, tonight’s honoree just shows up and jumps in to do whatever needs to be done. Tonight’s honoree quietly steps in and persuades others to help, too. I have witnessed this person recruiting and signing up new Club members while volunteering at our events. The Club presents an award for those who make significant contributions to the advancement of sport. It is called the Cleveland-Caldwell Advancement of the Sport Award. Tonight’s honoree won that award. (2010).

Tonight’s honoree also agreed to help co-direct one of our Gulf Wind’s races. After assisting for 2-3 years, (this person) accepted the position of Race Director and has directed this race for 17 years. Tonight’s honoree has also received our Race Director of the Year award (2012).

Tonight’s honoree served 9 years on the Grand Prix/Awards Committee (including serving as Chairperson). I served six years alongside her and observed her good leadership skills. (There are your first gender clues).

She has served multiple terms on the Gulf Winds Track Club Board of Directors, including this year. (Your second clue).

Lastly, she has managed the Grand Prix program within the 8-week Summer Track series of races each summer for longer than anyone can remember. This commitment and her labor of love results in a lot of happy summer track runners each year.

Now, it is an honor, and my great pleasure, to present the 2022 Gulf Winds Track Club Hall of Fame Award to:  LISA UNGER