Florida State students Paul Allen and Ann Centner show their stuff at the Run For Sickle Cell

Herb Wills Report, September 14, 2019

Youth Running

Did You Know? – January 22, 2021

Gary Droze passed along the following information. The Boston Athletic Association (BAA) elite team will be doing 3k/5k/10k time trials at the Maclay School track at 2:15 p.m. Saturday, January 22, 2021.  Highlight event will be Erika Kemp - 2019 USA 15K National...

The President Speaks Priddy

What a year! A new calendar year always brings optimism and renewed hope for better days to come. The Club is moving toward a "somewhat normal" schedule of events. Remember when real people lined up at a start line on an actual running course? That is going to happen...