Florida State students Paul Allen and Ann Centner show their stuff at the Run For Sickle Cell
Herb Wills Report, September 14, 2019Florida State students Paul Allen and Ann Centner show their stuff at the Run For Sickle Cell
And here are some photos of the 38th running of that venerable race:
2019 Run For Sickle Cell 5K, 14 September 2019
Youth Running
Distance Running has new meaning for Hay family
We like to talk about being family in the Tallahassee and Gulf Winds Track Club running community. This week’s column is a chance to send a first-class member of that family off to college. In the “time before the virus” a crowd of runners and friends worked their way...
Grand Prix News 2020-2021
Gulf Winds Family, We are writing to inform you of several updates. First of all, we have decided to officially cancel the 2020 Grand Prix competition. With the current status of the COVID-19 pandemic, we do not want to pressure any race director or potential...
Chattanooga 100 Miler and 10,000 feet of Climbing D Yon 04-2020
Compared to the marathon, relatively few individuals start and finish a race of 100 miles or more. Obviously, the distance is far greater than the marathon (26.219 miles) but that is only part of it. Most often, it means running through the night without sleep. Little...
A Long Race Running from the Virus D Yon 04-2020
March 7, 2020, was the last weekend of racing in Tallahassee. I ran the Shamrock Scurry 5K that weekend. Two weeks later, Rachel and Zack Scharlepp, directors of the Springtime Tallahassee races, were told there would be no race on March 28. Only a few days after that...
Running Streak Interrupted DY Democrat 04-01-20
It is as simple as this – a runner must run, and so too a coach must coach. We just never anticipated something like COVID-19 lurking in the shadows ready to poison anyone who gets too close. For the runner who wants to get faster, there are weekly intervals at...
O’Kelley and Allen Win at the Flash H. Wills Feb 2020
Just in case you were wracking your brain, trying to remember whathappened at the Flash: "Chris O'Kelley and Jamila Allen dazzle the competition at the Flash 12K"https://troubleafoot.blogspot.com/2020/02/flash-2020.html And here are some photos of the 12K as well as...
Trevor Sununu and Erika Huerta Win Shamrock Scurry H Wills 2020
Up in Killearn Estates, the Shamrock Scurry has been around since1981. That's long enough for some fast runners to have recorded somefast times over the years--Jeff Wentworth's 14:35 in 1985, and SineadEvans 16:44 in 2004. The latest chapter in the Scurry's saga,...
Buck Lake Trail Run Herb Wills 02-2020
Currently there are two annual 5K races at the JR Alford Greenway, theBobcat 5K and the Bluebird 5K. Both cross-country events are contestedon the same course, but being six months apart, they are nearly asdifferent as cats and birds. The Bobcat 5K, run in late...
How They Train By Gary Griffin: Alyssa Moore February 2020
Age 25 Did you compete in high school cross country or track? Yes, I ran at Floyd Central High School in Floyd Knobs, Indiana. Did you compete in college cross country or track? Yes, I competed for the University of Southern Indiana in Evansville, Indiana. How many...
View from the top – Possibilities 02-2020
Possibilities. The run this morning was a wet one. Not raining, not dry, but cool and damp and humid, and while not so cold, we could see our steamy breath in the dim shine of our headlamps. Sounds are muffled on mornings like this as we ghost along on silent...