for May 9, 2018, Hosted by Mary Jean and David Yon

(These Minutes are pending board approval)

Board Members Present: Emma Spencer, Zack Scharlepp, Paul Guyas, Mark Priddy, Tony Guillen, David Yon, Mary Jean Yon, Chika Okoro, Judy Alexander, Mike Weyant, Kristin Halley, Kory Skrob, Katie Sherron, Tom Perkins and Herb Wills, Laura McDermott.

Others Present: Bill Lott, Robert Skrob, Johanna and Joseph Petty, Tec Thomas.

The President called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. and a quorum was established.

The Board will review and approve the April 2018 minutes electronically. 

New Business

Tallahassee Sports Council/Tallahassee Road Races

Amanda Heidecker and Joe Piotrowski from the Tallahassee Sports Council requested an audience with the Board to discuss a potential opportunity for the GWTC half and full marathon to participate in a tri-city race series that would increase exposure to running and visiting Tallahassee.  Sports Councils from Pensacola, Savannah and Tallahassee met briefly to discuss the possibly of creating a tri-city race series in 2019 that would start in Pensacola with their bridge race, then go to Tallahassee for the half/full marathon and end with a full marathon in Savannah. They wanted to bring this proposal to the GWTC board to see if we would be interested in partnering with the Tallahassee Sports Council to have our half marathon involved in the series. The proposal included Tallahassee Sports Council taking over the directing, promoting and associated costs of the half marathon, they would also consider adding a 5K to the weekend and GWTC would specifically direct the marathon but the Sports Council would still promote the marathon along with the half and 5K.  The Tallahassee Sports Council stated that they would split the registration revenues for the half marathon and that the marathon revenues would go 100% to GWTC. They also asked if we would consider changing the date of the Tallahassee marathon/half marathon from February to March. As the race director of these races was not in attendance at this meeting, it was stated by various Board members that she would need to be involved before any decisions could be made.  Other discussion included maybe targeting another GWTC race at a different time of year instead trying to move the marathon, but the Sports Council would prefer to target the half marathon so that there is a progression in the distances with the other proposed races in the series.  The Board thanked the Tallahassee Sports Council for their proposal and asked the Sports Council to keep GWTC in the loop as they try to develop this race series. Zack asked Judy to be the liaison for updates on the project.

Running Green Initiative

Kat Sack had previously sent out a business plan to the Board regarding how GWTC could be more effective at recycling, eliminating waste at races and being more environmentally responses. She asked the Board if a “going green” committee could be set up to help race directors to improve their recycling practices and green as many races as they can. The committee could provide general awareness on best practices for greening races, and could provide outreach to non-club races, as well as teaming up with outside entities such as Sustainable Tallahassee who were helping to green the Turkey Trot. The Trail Series is going to try some of these best practices this coming series. Kat was invited to bring this concept to the race directors meeting and the Board approved the formation of a “going green” committee.

Palace Saloon 5K Wrap-up 2018

Mark Priddy presented the final budget wrap-up for the 2018 edition of the Palace Saloon 5K.  Actual revenues from race registrations totaled $14,424.90, expenses were $9910.80, with net proceeds of $4514.10. Mark requested a spilt of $1,000 for Boys’ Choir of Tallahassee, $1,000 for Parkinson’s Outreach Association, and $250 for South City Multisport Club, with $2264.10 going to GWTC. A motion was made and seconded to approve the donation which passed unanimously.

Potluck Bash Party

Social coordinator Joseph Petty attended the Board meeting to provide an update on preparations for the Potluck Bash. He stated that overall, they had too much food last year and they wanted to scale everything back by at least 25% this year, however, David Yon mentioned that he expected more people this year as it is a Grand Prix race. Kat Sack and Joseph are brewing a commercial keg, they will do most of the preparation at Forest Meadows and have the same cook as last year. They are working on greening the event and will have separate recycling bins with a list of items you can put in them. David is going to discuss the band with Joseph and they are in need of volunteers the day of the race for a few hours beforehand.

Committee Reports:

Treasurer’s Report –Katie Sherron

Katie reported that as of April 30, 2018, the balance in each club bank account is, $ 87,488.34 in the Operations account, $ 2,596.84 for the Events 1 accounts, $18,317.52 for the Events 2 account, $12,865.01 for the Triathlon account, $86,000 in the Investment and Reserve account and $ 12,564.03 in the Chenoweth Fund. Full financial information can be found on the website and the new fiscal year starts on 1 July, 2018.  Please also be aware of spam emails from Zack or Katie asking for assistance, check the email to see if it is spam.      

Membership Report –Mark Priddy

Mark reported that there are 1,279 members in the club as of May 8, 2018, which is 83 more on than last month. A total of 643 households are represented, which is 41 more than the previous month. The Tri Club has 209 members as of May 8, 2018. Mark stated that GWTC membership has reached 11 different states outside of Florida, including Colorado, Utah and Michigan to name a few.

Race Director Coordinator Report – Mary Jean Yon

Mary Jean stated that the next meeting was scheduled for May 20, 2018. Jim Davis and Kat Sack will be invited to discuss green practices, in addition to Robert Skrob attending to discuss the membership portal.

Newsletter Report –Fred Deckert

No report.

Clothing Coordinator Report –Rachel Scharlepp

Zack for Rachel stated she would be selling items at the Potluck Bash.

Equipment Report – Katie Sack & Bill Lot

Kat said she had recently changed the locks on the storage unit to reduce incidents of removing equipment or misplacing equipment by those with access to the unit as it was causing an issue with her inventory process. A form will need to be signed when requesting a key to the unit, currently, only she, Bill Lott and Tec have keys.  She has an additional spare as an emergency backup, of which it was suggested it be given to Peg Griffin or Tim Unger. Bill stated they had replaced the spigots from two coolers broken after Palace, also the PA system was not turning off so they found someone local to fix it. 

Website Committee Report –David Yon

No report. Herb did ask where the link to the Potluck Bash was on the website as it was not up yet. David said it should be there and would check.

Chenoweth Fund Report –David Yon

No report.

Triathlete Report –Mike Weyant

Mike Weyant shared that the next meeting of the GWTC Tri-Club will be held on Monday May 21, 2018 at Momo’s, and the guest speaker is pending. The Tri-Club Board voted to donate $1000 from the St. Marks Duathlon to the Goose Creek Refuge.

Lecture Series Report –Kory Skrob

Kory informed the Board that the last lecture series event was a success and they had 25 people attend. She has managed to organize the discounted CPR training scheduled for June 2, 2018. Each person can be certified at the discounted rate of $35 per person. At present eight people are registered but she need ten, this is for GWTC members only.  She is taking a break for the summer and will consider adding a lecture on “going green” later in the year.

Training Report –Tom Biance

The Sunday intervals workout is going well, it starts at 8a at Leon High School track, Paul Guyas creates the workouts and Kat let them rent a clock for the summer.

Social Report – Vicky Droze

No report.

Trail Coordinator Report – Kristin Halley for Jim Halley

Kristin reported that the Trail series is over 50% sold out after only nine days of opening registration. The Trail Blazers are four weeks in and going strong, have lots of good volunteers helping trail making, there are four weeks left in this training series.

Other Business:

David Yon stated SMIRF would start June 4, 2018 and that Laura McDermott would be helping at Oak Ridge Elementary but they could use a few more instructors, they will be paid minimum wage by the City of Tallahassee.

Paul Guyas reminded the Board of the Chain of Parks downtown market, where GWTC will be hosting a table Saturday of Memorial Day weekend.  Bill Lott has volunteered.

Herb Wills let the Board know that Bobby York would once again be the race director for the Swamp Forrest races in 2019.

 A motion to adjourn was made, seconded and passed. The meeting adjourned at 8:54 pm.


Contact us for information about GWTC or additions to the website.
Submit race results (preferably in Excel) here.
Gulf Winds Track Club, P.O. Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315