for April 10, 2024, Hosted by Jerry McDaniel at Casa Grande Midtown

Voting Members Present: Jerry McDaniel, Jennifer Hay, Jeanne O’Kon, Peg Griffin, Tom Perkins, Mary Jean Yon, Judy Alexander, David Yon, Debbie Peters, Robert McNeal, Mark Priddy, Allen Blay, Mark Tombrink. Voting Members Absent: Elizabeth Kamerick, Beverly Harrell, Robert Skrob, Tina Bahmer, Herb Wills. Non-Voting Members Present: Bill Lott, Carter Hay, Felton Wright, Bonnie Wright.

I. Opening and Introduction:

Jerry McDaniel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

The minutes from the March 13, 2024 meeting were approved as written.

II. Old Business/Race Closeouts:

a. Budget Closeout 2024 Tallahassee Marathon: Felton Wright reviewed the budget closeout. The net profit was $26,000 with another $5,000 that is on the way. The profit is expected to be $31,000 total. From the Marathon proceeds, Felton requested that the club consider purchasing four AED defibrillators that can be purchased through the city’s grant program. Two can be purchased for $387.00, and two more at cost of approximately $1,000 each. These could be used at the Marathon, other races and at the Summer Track series. The batteries last about 2-3 years. Bonnie also requested that $5,000 be given to Second Harvest, $1,000 to the Florida Bicycle Association, and $3,000 to Friends of the Miccosukee Greenway. Jerry inquired as to exactly how the money would be used. A motion was made and seconded to accept the proposal. Mark Priddy made an amendment to accept the motion without the donation to the Miccosukee Greenway. Motion passed on the original proposal.

Felton and Bonnie are stepping down as race directors, but they will gladly work with the future race director(s) and committee members. A motion was made to authorize Felton to sign a contract with College Town in preparation for next year’s Marathon. There are many club members who will continue to be involved with the Marathon.

b. Miccosukee Greenway Management Plan Update: Jerry reported that a new management plan is being drafted specifying nine goals. Public testimony was heard from people who are concerned about the Greenway. New flooding near the Edenfield entrance of the Greenway has occurred that most have never seen. It is suspected that the Welaunee construction is a contributing factor. There are four possible roads specified in the original deed that are planned to traverse the Greenway over a roughly three-mile span and will connect Miccosukee Road to Welaunee Boulevard or Centerville Road. During the committee’s update of the management plan, there is hope that they might eliminate or mitigate the impact of these planned roads. Trees have recently been planted to create a visual barrier between the Greenway and new construction at Welaunee Boulevard.

III. New Business:

a. Proposed Budget for 2024 Summer Trail Series: Peg reported for Bobby York. The budget includes $11,950.00 in revenue, expenses of $10,268.00 and an anticipated net revenue of $1682.00. Motion was made and seconded to approve the budget proposal. Motion passed.

b. Chenoweth Committee Appointment: Myrna Hoover has stepped down from the committee, and Megan Noonan is willing to take her place. Motion was made and seconded to approve Megan Noonan as her replacement. Motion passed.

c. GWTC Townhall/Roundtable: Jerry indicated that he receives many questions from club members about the club, the number of races, how money is spent, club functions, and so on. Jerry has articulated that many members are aging and younger members need to step up into some of the important roles. He would like to offer a meeting in early May in a town hall format to include interested younger members. Board members discussed ways to get other members involved. A budget for the event was also discussed. A motion was made and seconded to allot a minimum of $1,000 to host such an event. Motion passed.

IV: Announcement from Officers:
Mark Priddy brought medals and trophies that can be recycled if any race director would like them.

Volunteer Coordinator Rebekah Mayfield informed Jerry that she recruited the Junior Women’s Club of Midtown to volunteer at races. The possible volunteers are listed in the GWTC RunSignUp page. They would like a Gulf Winds speaker (preferably female) to attend one of their meetings to discuss what GWTC does.

Jennifer reported that she still needs more group run leaders, especially for Trails. Allen Blay volunteered to lead a group at Forestmeadows on Thursdays. Also, the FSU College of Nursing Wellness Committee wants to become more involved with the club. Jennifer will meet with them next week. Girls on the Run Panhandle chapter will hold their celebratory 5K run within the Tails & Trails Run on May 4th. They have 71 girls and 17 coaches participating. They will have a tent at the race where GWTC members can serve as coaches. Jennifer asked if the club would be willing to be involved to assist the girls and their coaches, and Board members agreed that it was a good idea.

V. Reports:

a. Treasurer’s Report: Peg reported that as of March 31, 2024, net assets are $242,471.45. Net revenue to date is $13,872.68.

b. Triathlete Club: No report.

c. Race Director Coordinator: Nothing new to report. Mary Jean will schedule another meeting in the future.

d. Newsletter: No report.

e. Membership: Robert McNeal reported that there are now 1280 individual members (1205 last year at this time), and 728 family memberships (694 last year at this time).

f. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Gabrielle Gabrielli sent a report stating that Chika Okoro is working with Mark Tombrink to schedule a lecture in the GWTC lecture series on accessibility. The committee is partnering with SportsAbility Alliance to increase awareness of GWTC’s DEI efforts. Chika is working with the head of SportsAbility to schedule a booth at their big event on April 20. Gabrielle is working to develop a workshop where the Club can bring together people with disabilities as well as people interested in working with the community of people with disabilities to improve outreach and opportunities. This would likely occur in June or July. And Danny Manausa is heading up efforts to provide any accessible equipment from the grant.

g. Education and Lecture: Mark Tombrink reported that a presentation will be held on April 25 at Ology by Amy Hassell, coach at Chiles High School on “Running through the Generations.” It will also be a Q & A session. Mark asked for assistance with advertising the event.

h. Website: Nothing to report.

i. Chenoweth Fund: Nothing to report.

j. Merchandise: Sherri Wise sent a report on gross sale amount at the Marathon. This was the total amount of both merchandise and marathon sales combined ($1,713.00 Marathon hats, $1,541.20 Zip Marathon shirts, and $465 additional merchandise). The new web site is up and running online and will allow the club to earn an additional $5.00 per item. She is trying to sell some of the leftover multicolor stasher marathon hats online.

k. Equipment: Bill Lott reported that last month with Board approval, 100 18-inch orange traffic cones were purchased at a total cost of $1,080.00. There are no other equipment issues to report.

l. Chip Timing: During March, one non-Club race (Shamrock Scurry 5K/1M) and one Club race (St. Marks Duathlon) were chipped timed. In April, two Club races (Springtime 10K/5K/1M, and Palace Saloon 5K) and one non-Club race (NeSmith 5K) will be timed. Scheduled to be timed in May are one non-Club race (Tails & Trails Half Marathon/10K/5K/1M) and one Club race (Summer Trail Series Race #1 – Cadillac Trail). GWTC has been approached to chip time a small FSU cross country meet scheduled for Friday, September 27, 2024, at the ARP. David Landis has agreed to be the lead timer and information about the costs and requirements involved has been sent to FSU for review.

m. Grand Prix: No report.

n. Social: No Report.

Meeting adjourned 8:35 p.m.

Jeanne O’Kon, Secretary


Contact us for information about GWTC or additions to the website.
Submit race results (preferably in Excel) here.
Gulf Winds Track Club, P.O. Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315