November 10, 2004 Business Meeting Hosted by Jerry and Linda Ongley

Board/GWTC Members present: Lisa Unger, Fred & Margarete Deckert, Charlie Yates, Jerry Ongley, Tom Perkins, Bonnie Wright, Hobson Fulmer, Jeff Bryan, Judy Alexander, Jo Lena Pace, Nadine Dexter, David Yon, Linda Ongley and Dave Rogers

Tom Perkins called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM and quorum was established. The November minutes were reviewed. A motion was made, seconded and passed by unanimous vote to accept the minutes as presented.
Guest Presentations: none


· Dave Rogers – Opened discussion about a scholarship endowment fund to be created in honor of retired FSU Head Coach Dick Roberts, who coach the FSU XC team from 1978 thru 1989. The fund is being administered by the FSU Boosters and is to provide scholarships for FSU runners with academic as well as athletic talent. Donations are being accepted in the amounts of one time $1000.00 donations or $200.00 a year for five years. It was suggested that Dave request the administration fee be waived for any donation that GWTC makes. A motion was made to donate $1000.00 to the endowment fund, which was seconded and passed by unanimous vote. Dave also suggested that the club’s annual budget be published in the Fleet Foot at least one time per year.


Clothing Coordinator report – Margarete Deckert reported that there have been no new sales, but she will provide more shirts to the Beginning Runners Group.
Newsletter report – Fred Deckert reported that there were 2 winners from his contest last month. A motion was made to permit Fred to give both winners memberships to give to anyone not currently a member, which was seconded and passed by unanimous vote.
Race Director(s) report(s) – Judy Alexander presented the proposed 10 Mile Challenge budget. There will not be a relay this year, but there will be a 5M race. A motion was made to accept he budget as presented, which was seconded and passed by unanimous vote.
Race Director Coordinator report – Charlie Yates reported that the Shamrock Scurry 5k will be on 3/5 even thought there are already 2 other races scheduled for that day. Charlie also discussed the dates of several other races.
Training Committee Report – Jerry Ongley reported that there was great participation from the ½ Marathon Training group at the Boston Mini Marathon-about 28 group members completed the ½. Nadine Dexter reported that there are about 103 registered for the Beginning Runners group and an average of 45 – 60 people attend each week.
Equipment report – Nadine Dexter reported for Joe Dexter that there were several checks received for equipment rentals, which were turned over to Bonnie. Also, Nadine presented several receipts for expenses incurred by Joe for equipment replacement such as the clock and stand, the chronomix and a table, as well as repairs to the trailer, thermal paper and a new megaphone. A motion was made to reimburse Joe in full, which was seconded and passed by unanimous vote. **This motion was made because the expenses exceeded the annually budgeted amount for equipment, mostly due to purchasing a new clock.
Membership report – Judy Alexander reported for Brian Corbin that there are currently 839 members represented by 502 memberships.
Grand Prix Committee report – Lisa Unger reported for Paul Ahnberg that the Grand Prix committee voted to make no change to the 2005 Grand Prix race schedule as was presented at the previous board meeting, with the exception of the race date of the FSUCares race being changed. Last month a motion had been made to accept the schedule as presented, which had been tabled, but was re-established at this meeting. There was additional discussion about the schedule, and a new motion was made to amend the previous motion by including the Furry Scurry on the 2005 Grand Prix schedule. There was no second to the new motion, therefore it dropped and reverted to the original motion, which was seconded and passed by unanimous vote. Therefore there will be no change to the slate of 2005 Grand Prix races as presented to the board at the October meeting.
Treasurer’s report – Bonnie Wright discussed the Budget and Treasurer’s reports, which included recent disbursements and receipts.
Chenoweth report – David Yon reported that the Music Fest and Turkey Trot packet pick up event will be held on 11/21 at the American Legion Hall. There are also other locations for picking up packets prior to race day, and David expressed plans to close registration at about 7:30 AM on race day. David also reported 2 requests for Chenoweth funds. A motion was made to fund Bob Brahman with $700 for a XC meet, which was seconded and passed by unanimous vote. A request was received from an athlete in Chattahoochee who was invited to the Elite International XC/T&F competition in Hawaii. Envision Credit Union is involved in his fund raising efforts. A motion was made to approve his request, which was seconded and passed by unanimous vote.
Racing Team Coordinator report – Lisa Unger reported for Tim Unger that there had been no new team racing events, but turned in receipts for expenses that Tim had incurred throughout the racing season.
Social Coordinator report – Tom Perkins reminded everybody that the Holiday Party will be held on 12/11 att he American Legion Hall.
Lecture Series report – no report; Triathlete report – no report;

The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:02 PM.
The next board meeting will be held on December 8, 2004, at the home of Judy Alexander and Brian Corbin.
These minutes have not been reviewed and accepted by the board. Lisa Unger, Secretary.


Contact us for information about GWTC or additions to the website.
Submit race results (preferably in Excel) here.
Gulf Winds Track Club, P.O. Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315