July 09, 2003 Business Meeting Hosted by Tom Perkins & Jeanne O'Kon

Board/GWTC Members present: Tom Perkins, Jeanne O’Kon, Lisa Unger, David Yon, Bob Prentiss, Joe & Nadine Dexter, Brian Corbin & Judy Alexander, Paul Ahnberg, Paul Hiers, Charlie Yates, Jerry Ongley, Mike Sims, Jeff Bryan
Tom Perkins called the meeting to order at 7:50 pm and quorum was established. The June minutes were read and accepted by motion, 2nd and vote.


· Social Coordinator Report – Tom Perkins reported for Bonnie Wright that the Breakfast on the Track event is also a social. He passed out copies of the budget. A motion was made to accept the budget, which was seconded and passed by vote. He also discussed the upcoming Celebrity Dinner.
· Treasurer’s report – Bob Prentiss distributed and discussed the Financial and Budget reports. He noted that the Chenoweth balance was an estimate as some reports were still pending. Discussion was held about the Palace Saloon figures and Bob will check their accuracy. A motion was made to accept the reports, which was seconded and passed by vote.
· Triathlete report – Tom Perkins reported on the Marianna Tri for Tony Guillen.
· Equipment report – Joe Dexter reported that all equipment is fine and he has received payments for the Melon Run, Thomasville fireworks and the St. George Sizzler. The Marines’ payment is forthcoming. Joe and James had attended the AARC meeting in Atlanta. Joe reported that there was very little social organization and that most of the clubs had sent several representatives. He noted that the RRCA was also meeting at the same time in the same place. In the future, the two clubs may merge, but at this time the AARC has financial control. Joe reported that the main topics were insurance and scholarships that had been promised by the RRCA, but now cannot be paid.
· Membership report – Brian Corbin reported that there are 392 memberships that represent 702 members. Brian noted that the Fleetfoot would be mailed in a few days.
· Chenoweth report -David reported that the Pot Luck was successful and the race “broke even” after awarding the scholarships. David advised that the committee received a request from the Capital City Christian Cruisers for about $1000.00. The committee recommended denying the request because the Fund balance is getting low and this group has already received more aid from the Chenoweth Fund than any other group. There was much discussion about how worthy the CCCC group is, and mention was made of how appreciative Alice and Ernie Sims are for the aid, but that the Chenoweth Fund has to be financially conservative. A motion was made to support the committee’s decision to deny the request, which was seconded and passed by vote. David also noted that Fall Fest has been cancelled because the Keep Leon County/Tallahassee Beautiful group felt they did not get enough return for their effort.
· Race Director Coordinator report – Charlie Yates reported that he has had many inquiries about open dates but not many reservations. That makes him think that races may “appear” in the fall. He advised that Prefontaine may still move to the old Fall Fest date. Also, the Marine Corps. 5k was a hard course and had about 160 finishers, but was somewhat disorganized.
· Race Director Reports – no reports; Clothing Coordinator report – no report; Team Racing report – no report; Lecture Series – no report; Newsletter report- no report

· Nadine Dexter discussed the Beginning Runner classes. The committee decided to impose a registration fee and Nadine distributed a handout with the details. The first class is scheduled to start on 9/3 and last for 9 weeks. Nadine asked about a small budget of about $150.00 for mailings and refreshments. A motion was made and amended so that the $150.00 is for all of the training classes with an option to review for future needs. The amended motion was seconded and passed by vote. Judy Alexander mentioned that she will be lecturing for “Well Works”, which is a group that promotes heath in the workplace and is sponsored by HPSE. Jerry Ongley discussed the Marathon/Half training groups that are scheduled to start in November. He will prepare a more formal budget in the meantime.
· David Yon advised the board that Mary Register sent him a form to have GWTC included in the Living Here publication.

· Lisa discussed an e-mail from Jane Johnson in reference to the USATF team racing series. Lisa will see if the Team racing coordinator will get involved.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:05 pm. The attendees enjoyed Jeanne’s lasagna dinner very much and extend their great appreciation for her hospitality. Bob Prentiss will host the next meeting on August 13, 2003.

These minutes have not been reviewed and accepted by the board. Lisa Unger, Secretary


Contact us for information about GWTC or additions to the website.
Submit race results (preferably in Excel) here.
Gulf Winds Track Club, P.O. Box 3447, Tallahassee, FL 32315