Running/Family Matters

Running/Family Matters By Myrna Unger I am a runner. I am also, and most importantly, a parent. Maintaining both roles is a challenge. Include personal relationships, a career, social commitments and finding balance often seems impossible. Yet the shear physical act...

Where did it all start, this addiction?

Where did it all start – this addiction? By Myrna P. Unger Standing at the start line at the Brick City 5k in Ocala, a 68 year young man said to me “I remember when I started running, all the races were 10K’s and the fun runs were 2 miles – I...

The Connection

I’ll meet you at the finish…. By Myrna P. Unger (This column is dedicated to Tim “Superman” Simpkins, and any runner who faces adversity in their lives and uses their running as strength to find the finish line.)”The Connection”I...

The Presents of Running

“The Presents of Running” By Myrna P. Unger Running is something I am thankful for. Sometimes as runners we become so focused on short term goals – running a marathon, faster 10K times – we forget to be thankful for the benefits we get from...

The Race Within the Race?

The Race within the Race? By Myrna P. Unger “If you have the courage to start the race, you have the courage to finish.” These words were on the back of a racer’s shirt at the 2001 Gate River Run. I spotted the shirt at mile seven. It inspired me to...