Climbing Obstacles (David)

Climbing Obstacles David Yon, It would be difficult to forget. The door opens and the doctor walks in. The room around you is cold and impersonal. You have family to support you but all you want to hear is that it is ok if you go back to the field for football...

Summer is on the way – Hear Tim Unger’s Call

Seasons Change – Tim Unger’s Call to Summer Spring does not end by the calendar until June 21, 2018. But Tallahassee runners know that pretending spring really last that long is just wishful thinking. It has been a great spring, many cool mornings that were perfect...

A Week or So of Summer (David)

A Week or So of Summer David Yon, There is no debating that summertime in Tallahassee brings a smothering layer of humidity that combines with high enough temperatures to make people from cooler places wonder how we could live here.this time of year. Of course, air...