The All-Night Curry Run or Port-a-lets and Why They Matter

The All-Night Curry Run or Port-a-lets and Why They Matter   Mike Baker,   I drove up to Meg’s house on Friday. We had dinner out and then headed home to catch up. It had been a month or so since I’d been up her way, not since the Yeti Beer Mile Ultra, and...

June 2016

The President has something on his Mind   Tony Guillen’s Footprints, “It takes a village to raise a child.”-Old African Proverb “It take a village to replace Mike Burns.”-Old GWTC Proverb If you have not heard by now that GWTC member Mike Burns has moved...

Herb Keeps up with Fred in a Cadillac

Bainbridge Half Marathon Report (From race Facebook Page)Way to go runners! We appreciate you coming to run in our beautiful town! On behalf of Memorial Hospital Foundation, we hope that you had a pleasurable run and that you will put us on your race calendar for next...

Failing the Way God Intended: The Torreya 50k

Failing the Way God Intended: The Torreya 50k   Mike Baker,   It had rained the night before so the air was cool and misty, the rain’s last breath, gentle and falling. All the racers were furtive, moving around in the dark morning, setting up drop bags and...

Flatlander Crash Canyon 50k or Attack of Moose and Squirrel

Flatlander Crash Canyon 50k or Attack of Moose and Squirrel   Mike Baker,   Brad and I left Tallahassee at 4am. We’re easy company except for things like race day. He was wanting to stop for breakfast. I’d been nursing a cold and a trick back for a week. I...