You Can’t Always Get What You Want

YOU CAN’T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WANT, BUT…   Gordon Cherr,   Sitting here in the kitchen drinking hot coffee, looking at this wall of water dropping from the grey morning sky. Measuring my dwindling incentive. Got soaked yesterday on the run, got...

September 2015

Tony’s Footprints “We would accomplish manymore things if we did not think of them as impossible.” VinceLombardi I love this time of year. There is much promise and hope in the air. School kids are going back to school ready to learn and grow, there is anoccasional...

July – August 2015

Tony’s Footprints – A Little Bit Unreasonable is OK   Tony Guillen, July President’s Column   “Reasonable things will never bring you as much joy as unreasonable ones do.”― Zainab T. Khan, A Bucket full of Awesome What ever happened to the break we...

Finding the Soul

A View from the TopFinding the Soul   Gordon Cherr, Newcomers to running are enticed by enjoyment of one kind, while experienced runners seek more sophisticated pleasures. What begins as a fitness quest, ends as a quest for joy*  The Mountains To Sea Trail from...

Notes from the Front

A View from the TopNotes from the Front   Gordon Cherr,    I am sitting on the back porch, tying on my running shoes. The sun is rising over Little Cedar Mountain, off to the east. It is a scene worth watching, and I do watch most mornings. The house is at...