The Mountains Can Be Unkind (Part III)

The Mountains Can be Unkind   India, Part IIIDavid Yon,   Gary Griffin’s email appeared on my screen in December of 2013. Imbedded in the email was the following: Namaskar!!! Welcome to World’s Most Unique and Innovative Race Trail. With best regards, C S Pandey...

Mountain Mysteries (Part II)

Mountain Mysteries in the Himalayas   David Yon, India, Part II   Once again the engines roared and the big mechanical bird rolled down the runway, gaining speed until it finally gathered the “strength” to break the grip of gravity. Safely off...

India, Tell Us Who You Are (Part I)

India, Tell Us Who You Are   David Yon,Part I (of III)   A few days ago, the big jet pulled its wheels up and we were on our way. Now as I sit in my room in Mirik, India, I am just hoping I can keep the wheels from coming off over the next five days of...

Becoming the Stonecutter

Becoming the Stonecutter   Mike Baker,   I ran the Barkley Fall Classic this year. It bothers me greatly that it might be easier at 38 miles long than one 20 mile loop at the Barkley Marathons. It bothers me greatly that it might be harder and no one’s...