And I Dreamed I Was Fying

A View from the TopAnd I Dreamed I Was flying   Gordon Cherr,   Many’s the time I’ve been mistaken And many times confused Yes, and I’ve often felt forsaken And certainly misused Oh, but I’m all right, I’m all right I’m...

Can 2013 Really be Gone

Could 2013 Really be Gone Already?   David Yon,   I remember as a kid that once school started, it was forever before summer vacation arrived. A school year was beyond my small brain to measure – it just kept going until I couldn’t take it anymore and then...

2013 Annual Awards

The 2013 GWTC Awards Presentation A view from David Yon I swear it is not just because they let me do a wonderful presentation.  I really think the Awards Committee did a fantastic job this year.  Let’s start with the venue.  After a couple of years at Bradley’s...

My Epic Fail, Part One – The Duncan Ridge 50k

My Epic Fail, Part One – The Duncan Ridge 50k   Mike Baker,   The Duncan Ridge 50k was really tough. It had 10,000 feet of elevation gain. That means going up 10000 feet, a third of the way up Mount Everest. That means the rest of the race was going...

They were good shoes, I was sorry to see them go

A View from the TopThey were good shoes, I was sorry to see them go   Gordon Cherr,   They weren’t my first by a long shot, not even that brand or model. But when I tried them on, something clicked in my head. Or on my feet. They were gray and green...