2013-03 – The Prez Says

March Newsletter – The Prez Says…   By Felton Wright, Was the Tallahassee marathon a perfect day? I have been present at most of the 39 Tallahassee marathons. I can’t remember a better race day. Between the singing of the national anthem by Sarah Dugas and seeing...

Lies or Misunderstandings

Lies or Misundetstandings? Maybe it was just Hope David Yon, I am any runner, one of perhaps millions, but one who has been a runner for many years. One who has probably run more miles and more races than the average runner. We simply fell in love with the sport.For...

They Must Be Mad

They Must Be Mad (and I don’t mean angry) David Yon, It takes a mad man and woman to put in the time, put up with the snarly runners, and take the risk of failure and disappointment in order to make the Tallahassee Marathon a success. For all the time, all the...

2013-02 – The Prez Says

In February The Prez Says   By Felton Wright,  For Only $1.66 per month. As the New Year approached I received a marketing email from a local gym saying that for a low monthly fee I could get fit and meet all my New Year resolutions. This made me think about the...