Surely You Don’t Mean Me

Surely You Don’t Mean Me?   David Yon,   Bob Keller walked out on the deck of the Premier Fitness Center pool at 6:00 a.m. one recent Monday. One at a time, those around him stopped their workout and started applauding. Just like at the GWTC Awards Ceremony...

In the Blink of an Eye

In the Blink of an Eye   David Yon,    In the blink of an eye I went from dating my checks 2012 for the first time to realizing the next check will bear the year 2013. And while 2012 slipped by incredibly fast and had many good moments, it was also filled...

Getting Along

Why Can’t We Just Get Along…   David Yon,   Thanksgiving morning seemed so full of hope. Nearly 6000 people gathered to celebrate life, running, family, charity and food. All shapes, sizes, colors and personalities. All were sharing a goal of getting from...

The TUDC and the Tannenbaum 6K

The TUDC 50M and the Tannenbaum 6K   Mike Baker,   For Greta, a blue merle cattle dog, and the all the runners who cannot run but still fight (I ran the TUDC 50 miler last weekend and the last 12 miles were the hardest miles to run. It wasn’t because...

Even the Sun Knows

Even the Sun Knows Not to Doubt   David Yon,   The Sun has learned don’t try to beat Bill Hillison to the start line. It will be a long day for both of them, but Bill will finish in good time long before the sun sets. After all, they have both been at it for...