There is So Very Little of Man in Where We Go

There is So Very Little of Man in Where We GoBad Marsh 50k   Mike Baker,   It is always the last quarter mile of a 5k that matters most. The rest of the race is just what got you there. It is in that final quarter mile that we decide who we are going to be....

Hello Darkness My Old Friend

Hello Darkness My Old Friend I’ve Come to Talk With You Again*   Gordon Cherr,   The Atlantic Coast, long before sunrise. I like the dark. Running down the beach strand, your footsteps are silent, little sound in the sand, what sound there is overcome...

Lane 6 is Open

Lane 6 is Open   Jay Wallace,   My first introduction to the sport of Track and Field was my father’s big green ‘W’ that he earned at the old Minneapolis West High School. I admired that letter very much. Through conversations, I learned that he was awarded...

A Few Thoughts on Suffering

A few thoughts on suffering, human and otherwise …   Mike Baker,   North Face Endurance Challenge, Washington DC: 06/02/12 A note: Keith Gates and I went up to Virginia to race in the North Face Endurance Challenge. He was racing in the 50 miler and I was...

It is Just a Damn Hard Race

It is Just a Damn Hard Race   Gordon Cherr,   I have been staring at the bedroom ceiling for a while now, wondering if I will ever move again. The ceiling fan goes around and around an unknown number of times, I think it is counterclockwise but I...