Our Weaving Ways

Our Weaving Ways   Jay Wallace,   Every race on the local schedule has its own unique character and the Summer GP 5000 meters is no exception. Time constraints prevent running multiple heats of this race as is customary with everything else including 3200...

Other Sports News

Other Sports News   Jay Wallace,   July 8, 2010 will go down in sports annals as the day one unnamed NBA megastar used a one hour prime-time television special to announce which team would get the privilege of paying him an 8 figure annual salary. (He would...

A Pleasant Rain

A Pleasant Rain   Jay Wallace,   Umbrellas replaced soccer balls as the most popular accessories at Summer Track #5 on Thursday July 1, 2010. The trees stood still as statues while a steady but soft rain fell most of the evening. There weren’t many...

Moon Over Maclay

Moon Over Maclay   Jay Wallace,   The evening of Thursday June 24, 2010 marked the opening of the USA Track Championships in Des Moines, Iowa. At the very same time, a less auspicious event took place here in Tallahassee. Summer Track # 4 was undoubtedly...

Cry! The Beloved Country

CRY! THE BELOVED COUNTRY   Gordon Cherr,   I grew up in northern New Jersey. It was normal to me, living on a strip of asphalt and concrete that seemed to stretch from Washington, D.C. to Hartford, Connecticut, without interruption. I grew up running there...