Another Mountain Mist Experience

Another Mountain Mist Experience   Gary Griffin,    Here we go again. Why is it that I always end up at this keyboard the week after the Mountain Mist 50K, feeling as if I need to put some thoughts down on paper? Maybe it is therapy. Maybe I am trying to...

One More (Perfect) Day

One (More) Perfect Saturday   Gary Griffin,   One of the questions usually asked of those chosen for the “Featured Feet” portion of the Fleet Foot is for that person to describe “the perfect day.” I always enjoy that part because, as much as anything, it...

Thanks for the Memories – William McGuire 2009

Thanks For The Memories Mary Jean Yon, Our ability to remember is a fascinating thing to analyze. I can recall, with great clarity and fondness, all of my personal records in racing which happened many years ago. It seems so common for many of us to have events from...

What Dogs Know

WHAT DOGS KNOW   Gordon Cherr,   The complaints were so many this morning, rising pre-dawn, in the cold, fumbling around in the dark trying to find my shoes and socks, hoping for some not too old left over microwaved coffee that would get my wheels spinning...

Holiday Party

 Holiday PartyAmerican Legion Hall, Lake Ella Live music by Crooked Shooz 7-8 Social Hour, Food and Drink 8-12 Band, Dancing, MORE Food and Drink Club will provide drinks.  Please bring a dish to...