The Last Time – Jere Moore

The Last Time – Jere Moore   David Yon,Photo “Jere and Charlie” by Fred Deckert,    The last time I saw Jere Moore, he was sitting up in a hospital chair, oxygen flowing from a tube through his nose and into his lungs. One of those lungs...

September 2008

Times Remembered – Prefontaine Mary Jean Yon, I love running through neighborhoods! I have a four mile course that I often run from home on weekday mornings that is tried and true. I enjoy seeing sleepy neighbors walking their dogs, getting their newspapers and...

Nominations Sought

Nominations Sought The GWTC Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for 2009 officers and Board of Directors seats.Club members may submit nominations to any member of the Nominating Committee.Please submit your nominations for president, vice president,...

Graduation Day – The Lean Horse 100-Mile Run (2008)

Graduation Day – the Lean Horse 100 Mile Run   Gary Griffin,   It all started back in the early 1990s. I had just begun to get my feet wet in the ultrarunning world when the idea of running 100 miles first struck. In many ways, that seemed far beyond...


Friends   David Yon,    It is almost as hard for friends to meet, As for the morning and evening stars. Tonight then is a rare event. China Daily Newspaper quoting Du Fu., Chinese Poet (712-770) of the Tang Dynasty   There is an Olympic ideal that for a...