July 2008

Times and Champions Remembered Mary Jean Yon, What is it that defines a champion? Sure, we all know what the dictionary says . But what is it that goes into the making of a track & field champion? Take the FSU Men’s team for example. They recently entered the NCAA...

Runners party at Sports Beat 5K

Do you want the good news or the bad news first? OK, first the bad: Hot weather and hills assured there would be no PR’s for runners. Now the good: It just didn’t matter because the focus of this race is to have a good time, listen to music and consume...

Eugene – Track Town USA

Eugene – Track Town, USA   David Yon,    When you step off the plane and walk into the Eugene airport the first thing you see is “Welcome to Track Town, USA.” There is no doubt this place deserves to host the Olympic Track Trials and the moniker “Track...

June 2008

Summer Times Remembered Mary Jean Yon, I understand that technically summer does not start until June 20 but to me, it’s hot outside now! With that heat comes a whole new way of approaching running. I find I sweat more, complain more and run slower. But that’s just...

Respect the Back of the Pack

Respect the Back of the Pack By Sheryl Rosen Among running circles, there’s one group that doesn’t get enough respect: back-of-the-pack runners.Sure, champions like Deena Kastor and Meb Keflezighi are great. Public glory is well deserved by the world’s best runners,...