Injury – Our Biggest Competitor

Injury – Our Biggest Competitor By Sheryl Rosen,  There’s only one time I hate being a runner: when I can’t run.Injuries are among the toughest challenges we face. Enduring a 4-month stint with a fractured foot or rogue IT band is more emotionally trying than any...

The Runners Greatest Enemy

The Runner’s Greatest Enemy   David Yon,    For many runners, including me, lacing up the shoes and escaping out the door to run is one of life’s best treasurers. There is always something missing, even on a planned rest day, when it doesn’t happen. While I...

Some Random Musings on the GWTC

Some Random Musings on the GWTC 30K   By Gordon Cherr,   Race directors Jerry and Jackie McDaniel’s recent GWTC 30K, and the great success that it was, certainly got me thinking about many of the great race courses where the 30K has been held and of...

January 2008

Times Remembered – A New Year Mary Jean Yon, Happy New Year and welcome to a new Gulf Winds Grand Prix race schedule! As we ease our way into January, curiosity is in the air. Who will run what Grand Prix races this year? How many super runners will emerge that...

A Rare Chance to Run Our Canopy Roads

A Rare Chance to Run Our Canopy Roads By Sheryl Rosen,  The first time I drove down a canopy road, I was in 12th grade and traveling to my first cross country race at the Miccosukee Greenway. One minute I was clearly in Tallahassee, on Capital Circle to be exact. The...