November 2007

Times Remembered Mary Jean Yon, It’s November! And you know what that means? It’s time for Turkey Trot! Forgive me for the shameless plug I’m about to commit but the temptation is too great. As the co-race director for this Thanksgiving Day race, I tend to see things...

Marathon Fever, How Many is Too Many?

Marathon Fever: How Many Is Too Many? By Sheryl Rosen,  It’s no secret most runners are an obsessive bunch. We have to know how many miles we’re running and what our splits are; we’re exacting with our running logs, meticulously calculating our mileage and comparing...

Racing the Moon

Racing The Moon   By Gordon Cherr   She showed up not quite unexpectedly the other night, in the trees and leaves rustling amid the cool autumn breeze, in the backyard. I had not seen her in a while, or maybe I had but simply had not noticed her. But her...

Labor of Love

Labor of Love   David Yon,   Many races are labors of love, but the Alan Sundberg 5K held in Maclay Gardens is a very special event for Bill Sundberg. In 1998, he lost his brother Alan to skin cancer. Alan was only 33 years old and Bill reacted to the...

Taking the Long Way Home

Taking the Long Way Home   David Yon,   Runners pride themselves in taking the long way home most often. This weekend covered the spectrum. Of course there are many degrees of “long.” For some, it meant pushing through a “normal” 5K. For others it is running...