Times Remembered – 2007

Times Remembered – 2007 January 2007February 2007March 2007April 2007May 2007June 2007July 2007September 2007October 2007November 2007December...

May 2007

Times Remembered – Vann, Simpkins and Wilde Mary Jean Yon, We run, so we often think we’re invincible. To run is to be fit which should be some sort of invisible shield to protect us from all sorts of health problems, right? Sadly, no…that’s not the case. And as we...

A Diary of the Boston Marathon

A Diary of the Boston Marathon By Sheryl Rosen,  An early dayRace day began at 4:45. I prepared my race bag and rode to the Boston Common with two runners staying at the same bed and breakfast as I. We arrived at the chain of buses queued for Hopkinton at 6:00. I was...

Mountain Mist (2007)

Mountain Mist 2007   Gary Griffin,   First off, you’ll think that I am making this up but every last word of it is true. Confined to an inner-city hotel and far too many work-related responsibilities to even go into, I had not run a step for the 6 days...