Running v. Directing: BOT ’06

By Bonnie Wright This year was my first year to run Breakfast on the Track, and I mean run as in 4 laps around the newly re-surfaced Maclay Track, compared to being a co-race director, which is sometimes like running laps around a hamster wheel. I’m not sure which is...

No place to hide: BOT ’06

No place to hide – Breakfast on the Track By David Yon I am a fan of having the mile and the Ultra on the grand prix every year or at least every so often. (Aren’t you glad I never have more than one vote in that decision?) Which do you think people fear...

On your marks, get set, inject….

Fragments Vol 6 By David Yon Operation Puerta, BALCO, Blood doping, HGH, THG, EPO, the clear, steroids, genetic engineering, East Germany, Ben Johnson, and on and on…Ben Johnson rocked the “innocence” of Olympic sports fans when he was disqualified for...

It’s 11 p.m. — Do you know where your runner is?

A View From the Top It’s 11 PM…Do You Know Where Your Runner Is?   By Gordon Cherr,   Contrary to what many people think, Moses returned from Mt. Sinai with eleven (that’s right, 11!), not 10 Commandments, all equally carved in stone. The...


Fragments Vol 5 By David Yon Yes, This is what the ACC REALLY wanted…When the ACC extended an invitation to FSU to join the conference in 1991, many fans believed the primary goal was to upgrade the conference’s football revenues, reputation and talent. But the...