Live and Learn

Live and Learn – The American Ultrarunning 100 Mile Championships By Gary Griffin, Many moons ago, back when I was first getting my feet wet at the ultra distances, I recall asking a veteran competitor one day, “What’s the secret to running 100...


In the Red Hills By David Yon Titanium training wheels, a child who did the entire race with his swimming goggles on, another pushing her bike up the hill and whispering to a bystander – “I am tired” and lots of adorable smiles and grimaces from ages...

May Team Races slated

By Tim UngerThe next two GWTC team racing events will be in the Western Florida Panhandle.First is the 31st annual Fiesta 10k team event, which will need two females and two males to score as a team. Here is some information found on the Pensacola Runners Website...

Intervals: Longleaf Pines, Prep Results, and Deer Fly

Longleaf Pines, Prep Results, and Deer Fly By David Yon Longleaf PinesAs the wheels touched down on the runway Thursday about 5:15 p.m., a near perfect Tallahassee spring evening welcomed us home. There was still plenty of light outside so I decided to follow through...

Who is Claudia Berryman-Shafer, and why we honor her today

“Where does the power come from, to see the race to its end?” Eric Liddell, Missionary and Olympic Champion **************************************************************************************************************    Who is Claudia...