Running in a Winter Wonderland

The Mountain Mist 50K, Huntsville, Alabama By Jeffery S. Bryan The Mountain Mist 50K race flyer said it all: “Expect anything.” And anything is what we got. Just north of Birmingham on Friday afternoon, Gary Griffin and I started to see dustings of snow on...

Avoid stress fractures by Gary Droze

Avoid stress fractures By Gary Droze Many injuries are associated with specific sports. Rotator cuff tears commonly afflict baseball players, elbow tendonitis torments tennis enthusiasts, and ankle sprains often halt play on soccer fields and basketball courts.Stress...

18.6 degrees at the 30K

By David Yon Temperatures dipped below twenty degrees on a few thermometers as Larry Mengelkock and Jane Johnson captured the men and women’s titles in the first GWTC race of the year. Larry took the long lonely route to victory building a big lead over the rest...

Honor fellow runners at Annual Awards Ceremony Thursday

Come and honor your fellow runners (or give them a chance to honor you!) at the Annual Awards Ceremony Thursday, January 15 at the American Legion Hall near Lake Ella. Happy hour will be from 7 – 7:30 pm. The awards presentation will begin promptly at 7:30 p.m....

After the fall by Dana Stetson

After the fall By Dana Stetson  Pride goeth before a fall but certainly not afterward. As a trail runner there is one fact that I have to face every time I run. Sooner or later there is a big fall waiting for me somewhere in the woods. If you run trails, you will...