Blue Springs Triathlon results

BLUE SPRINGS TRIATHLON RESULTSreturn to race results OA PLACENAMECAT.AGETIME     1Kiko CintronM3052:152Craig Bruner Mixed RelayMXR 53:253Glen CottrellM3954:004Jeff BowmanM4055:515Ronnie GodwinM3856:246Tom FugateM3556:297Kevin PorterM2756:378Paul Ahnberg Mixed...

Boston lowers qualifying times for “seniors” by Fred Deckert

Boston lowers qualifying times for “seniors” By Fred Deckert  Evidently the Boston Marathon is going after the senior set in 2003. For those of you still not in the know, standards have been lowered, starting with 45 year olds. They will get another 5...

Summer Grand Prix is here by Dana Stetson

Summer Grand Prix is here By Dana Stetson The heat is upon us and that can mean only one thing (the sun has gone nova and we will soon become cooked trout). No, it means that summer Grand Prix track season is here at last. This is a track series with two alternating...

Yon sets record at Green Bay Marathon

MalesRonald Christen 3:44.04FemalesCynthia Christen 5:51.18Cathy McCarty 6:25.00Lydia Burns 7:06.42Yvonne Cook 7:27.24Florence Dewiest 7:51.49WheelchairPhillip Yon 2:01.25Overall Winner and new course...

What’s the best workout? by Gary Droze

What’s the best workout?  By Gary Droze Is there such a thing as the single best workout for a distance runner? Probably not. High-level distance running performance is the product of many factors: endurance, leg speed, economical form, lactate tolerance, and...