June 2002

Top 10 Reasons for Being A Runner in Tallahassee By Jane Johnson Because … GWTC heroes Craig Hasty and Tim Simpkins were so special, that even the race officials at the Rose City 10k in Thomasville, GA, took time to remember them and their unique contributions to...

How a race is scored by Fred Deckert

How a race is scored By Fred Deckert This is for all you runners who may be wondering just how your race results actually come together. It’s really not nearly as complicated as tracking tennis points. For most GWTC races this is how it works. When you cross the...

Running with the dogs

Running With the Dogs   By Gordon Cherr   My love affair with running began in 1965, with 10th grade cross country. We had no ninth grade in my high school, just tenth through the twelfth. In my second year of running, a new kid joined the team, Ronnie...

Bryant pulls upset at Pennar by Jeff Bryant

Bryant pulls upset at Pennar By Dana Stetson Pennar is an ultra race which starts at Pensacola Beach continues to Navarre and back to Pensacola Beach. Although it begins at 4:00 a.m. Central time, all runners end their run in the heat of the day. This course is...

Face to Face

By Jeff BryanFace to face with the devil that you’ve been dreadin’Eye to eye finally has arrivedBut bad as it was, well now brother wasn’t it betterDealin’ with him face to face- Garth Brooks Editor’s Note: On June 1, 2002 , Jeff Bryan...