Evaluate your running regularly by Fred Deckert

Evaluate your running regularly By Fred Deckert Some of us single-track runners forget that others consider running as a bridge to other sports. I don’t mean triathlons or biathlons in which running is still an integral part of the event, but what we normally...

Are you ready to have fun? Red Hills Kids Tri

By Bonnie Wright & David Yon Imagine the sight: Drizzly, rainy and cold and one slightly past middle-aged-almost-adult-race-director screaming at a bunch of kids standing in the rain on a dock about to jump in the water on a very cold day – “Are you...

HuManatee weather prevails

By David Yon Race volunteers grabbed hold of papers and race equipment as a strong wind brought a line of showers the fort just before the 2002 HuManatee run began. Ryan Deak dominated the 5K running 16:26 without breaking a sweat. Tim Bolton was the first mortal to...

Forty is not the end

David Yon For many of us motoring past the age of forty means the end of things like personal bests. Well the author of that story forgot to share the plot with Donna Whitworth. Donna skipped past those chapters to win women’s race in the 2002 version of Rails...

A different way to complete a Tri by Dana Stetson

A different way to complete a tri By Dana Stetson On May 11th the 20th edition of the Gulf Coast Triathlon (GCT) was held. Conditions were near perfect with the exception of that ever zany, overheated death march from hell, 13.1 mile run at the end.Tallahassean...