May 2002

Top 10 Reasons for Being a Runner in Tallahassee By Jane Johnson Because … there is a special side of Herb Wills that come out when he is up in the press box announcing a track meet – the normally reserved runner we all know is transformed into an engaging...

Gulf Winds is a track club by Gary Droze

Gulf Winds is a track club By Gary Droze Many community running clubs cater almost exclusively to road runners, never mind that they may plainly label themselves “track clubs.” Prominent regional examples of this mixed message include the Atlanta Track...

Don’t let heat beat you by Fred Deckert

Don’t let heat beat you By Fred Deckert Tallahassee is blessed with good running weather almost year round, but summer calls for some caution, especially during races. For most of us, putting the pedal to the metal is counterproductive when it gets hot. Your...

A very special runner by Dana Stetson

A very special runner By Dana Stetson, As the old saying goes, the cobbler’s kids will have no shoes and the running columnist’s wife will make no news! Several weeks ago, in this very column appeared a tiny note which stated that Margarete Deckert had...

Seminole men win first ACC outdoor track title

Women take second spot By David Yon The Florida State men’s track and field team won a convincing victory in Charlottesville, Virginia this weekend scoring 201.50 points to beat runner up Clemson who had 158 points by a wide margin and capture their first ACC...