When did you catch James?

David Yon The Question of the Day for the 2001 Women’s Distance Festival was: “When did you catch James?” James Dexter, that is, who took off flying at the start of the men’s race and grabbed the early lead. For most people, the answer was...

Optimal arousal level by Gary Droze

Optimal arousal level By Gary Droze If you compare the starting line atmosphere of a local high school distance race to that of a community event populated by adults, one distinction strikes you immediately: boy howdy are those kids ever stimulated! Between the goofy...

Lincoln runners dominate Prefontaine 5K

By David Yon Lincoln High School runners showed up in force at the 2001 Prefontaine 5K and Scott Poindexter and Allie Hunter ran away with the race titles. Scott ran with Wade Brett for the first two miles before taking control of the race and winning in 19:37,...

On turning 100,000

By Martha Haynes Runners love numbers. Perhaps even more than their similarly obsessed fellow travelers, baseball fans, runners love stats. They love distances and times, particularly one divided by the other. They love their own numbers and others’ numbers....

Slowing down the world

Slowing Down the World   By Gordon Cherr   A View from the Top I have been taking many long runs alone in the far mountains lately. Ostensibly training for the Shut In Trail Run, one of the toughest mountain races in the continental United States. Shut In is...