Anyone up for “playing” track? by Gary Droze

Anyone up for “playing” track? By Gary Droze Notwithstanding those bumper stickers that gruffly announce “TRACK: THE SPORT YOU DON’T PLAY,” room exists for a more frolicsome approach to the sport whose essence is routinely prescribed as...

A slothful ascent to glory

By Gary Griffin, Warning: the following story may contain an occasional historical inaccuracy; nonetheless, it is important enough to tell, even if the truth is slightly “manufactured” by the writer.Ergo, ……Tallahassee road-racing history was...

Weekend Notes

By David Yon More high school track and field this weekend, although some of the most exciting stuff was at the FSU Twilight Meet. On Friday, Godby, led by Michael Williams, captured 14th place in the 3A state meet. Mark McCarty jumped 14 feet to finish third in the...

“I wish I could do that!” by Fred Deckert

“I wish I could do that!” By Fred Deckert  “I wish I could do that.” Words I’ve heard many times from someone who thought they were explaining why they couldn’t run or jog. Usually pursuing this statement to it’s root cause is an exercise in frustration...

Comrades Marathon

Comrades Marathon By Jack McDermott A traumatic experience in the bathtub at age seven has left me so afraid of the water, that I have been immunized from the tri-bug that is so contagious this time of year. Therefore, I have looked to other venues for my next big...