Azaleas smell sweet for Breeda

One of the toughest battles in the 2001 Azalea trail 10K was determining which GWTC team Breeda Dennehy-Willis was going to run on – the men’s or the women’s. Mary Jean Yon brought the debate to an abrupt halt, locking her in to the women’s...

Women runners looking good by Gary Droze

Women runners looking good Gary Droze The fifty or so runners who beat me to the finish of the Jacksonville River Run 15K a few weeks ago included ten women. Was this mortifying? Hardly! Females have bested me in races since 1983, when I attempted to qualify for the...

An incredible run by Dana Stetson

An incredible run Dana Stetson Carl Touchstone 50K Trail Race. “Stream crossing” was the first thing Gary Griffin said when I asked him about the Mississippi 50K. Much later on I would remember this conversation as a remarkable omen, but at the time it...

St. Paddy cuts deal with gravity; runners fly

The little boy dressed in a leprechaun outfit was sent on a St. Patrick Day’s mission – help everyone run fast. Bill McGuire’s all green outfit must have made the patron saint smile on the runners on this St. Patrick’s Day and coax gravity into...

Running improvement

Running improvement By Jack McDermott I would like to thank everyone for giving me compliments for my rise to running respectability. I have even thought about changing the name of my column to “Middle of the Pack,” but I do not want to cause any...