Report from Sydney: Breeda just misses 10K final

David Yon  Watching the Olympic games, I have come to appreciate how difficult it is to make a final. It is about much more than who has the fastest PR. It is rather about being able to be patient when the pack bunches together and being able to sprint like mad when...

Using a Heart Monitor by Jere Moore

Using a Heart Monitor By Jere Moore  Tim Unger, Dana Stetson and all you other hard-training runners can quit reading now. This column is for the joggers/runners who want to elevate their heart rate for 30 minutes three or four times a week just for the health of it....

To the other side and back by James Clark Dexter

To the other side and back By James Clark Dexter Who would have imagined that I would be here now. I don’t remember it, but my parents tell me the story of how at 22 months of age I was dead for 11minutes as a result of choking on a hotdog. After spending weeks...

Music Mania returns

Paul Hiers The return of Music Mania 8K to Tallahassee was a great success. As I looked over the 100 or so runners gathered that morning I was envious. I wanted to be among them running this course on this cool and beautiful morning.Whenever someone called to ask...