Run your own pace by Susan Stetson

A mistake learned: run your own pace Susan Stetson Another lesson learned. Don’t tell me you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. I know better. I’m not exactly your spring chicken (but I’m not older than dirt, either), and I find I’m learning something new every time I...

GWTC Triathletes fare well at Cape San Blas

Bruce Moore GWTC triathletes got an early taste of summer at the Cape San Blas Duathlon on Saturday, April 8. An encroaching cold front stalled to the west, leaving clear skies and hot, muggy conditions for the 9:30 EDT start. The Panama City Panhandle Runners and...

Springtime celebrates 25th anniversary

Runners climbed out of their cars April 1 to find a nice breeze and temperatures just a bit cooler than expected, starting out in the upper 50’s. The temperatures rose enough to make the last couple miles a bit warm, but the temperatures and blue skies made it a...

Lessons from Bud on Running by David Yon

Lessons from Bud on Running By David Yon This is the tale of Bud, a 60 plus pound canine in distress, who learned what most runners know. Tallahassee has a great running community, with GWTC at its center. And while you can talk about running for the health benefits,...

March 24, 2000

The Spider Web By David Yon The 100th fastest men’s marathon time this year is now 2:15:44 seconds, while the fastest is 2:07:15. For the women the time is 2:40:54, just a little bit faster than Karl Hempel’s PR, and the fastest is 2:22:19. (Yes, Karl’s PR was a long...