I hate running! by Susan Stetson

I hate running! By Susan Stetson, I hate running. Then, you say, why do we still see you out there running on the trails? That’s a good question, and one all of you know the answer to already.Oh sure, that first few steps feel like pure torture, but when all the...

Gate River Run results

( Email any omissions.) PlaceNameTime42Brian Fleischmann49:5455Aaron Scheer51:5285Tim Unger54:22101Paul Hoover55:25139Kim Winn57:52142Gruth Grumme57:57152Reid Vannoy58:24157Walt Spangler58:40212Brian Corbin1:00:58222Jerry Ongley1:00:58297Mike Jaynes1:03:29619Judy...

Blue Angel Marathon by Dana Stetson

Blue Angel Marathon Dana Stetson Every year at the start of the Blue Angel Marathon (BAM), as the F-18’s blast overhead in a spectacular display of noise, speed, and power, I am reminded of the same thought. I’m always glad that the U.S. Navy isn’t...

Winn tops women at Cookie Run

David Yon Three hundred and forty two runners found the meaning of true happiness on Saturday, Feb. 26, at Tallahassee Community College – Running for Girl Scout cookies! Some of them even got to chase Grand Prix points, as this was the third GWTC Grand Prix...

Wasn’t the Grass Greener? by Fred Deckert

Wasn’t the Grass Greener? By Fred Deckert, I recently read a book titled “Wasn’t the Grass Greener,” recollections on past events, customs etc. It struck me how apt the title was, not only for general reminiscing, but for the runner’s...