Breakfast on the Track

Top 10 Grand Prix Scoring FEMALE Name Age Time Place Jane Johnson 39 5:21 1 Kara Newell 14 5:49 2 Fran McLean 40 5:59 3 Sissi Carroll 39 6:00 4 Peggy Simpson 52 6:01 5 Nancy Stuparich 37 6:02 6 Ann Bowman 29 6:20 7 Lily Keller 17 6:21 8 Nancy Widener 49 6:21 9 Judy...

July 98

Cat Bird Seat By David Yon As July rolls around I could join everyone else and complain vigorously about the heat – this truly has been the hottest opening to summer I have ever been through. Instead, I will issue my annual gripe about having to make the...

May 98

MAY CAT BIRD SEAT By David Yon So, when will I learn to stop answering my phone. “Hi, this is Gerald Ensley. Are you the President of GWTC?”, he asked. “Depends, I said. Why?” After a couple of halting starts, he said: “I will just lay it...

April 98

Cat Bird Seat By David Yon My deep concentration was shattered by the ringing phone. The voice on the other end was in a panic: “What do I do now?” He said. “What do you mean?” I asked. “I just received my Peachtree application and I need...

March 98

The Cat Bird Seat by David Yon They are at it again. World records seem to fall every other time they run. It sounds strong to say Haile Gebrselassie and Daniel Komen are two of the finest athletes to compete at any sport, but the titanic battles between them are just...