Rave Runs – Navarre Beach

Navarre Beach By Lisa UngerEven though it was freezing cold and the wind felt like it was nearly gale force, GWTC was well represented with many members racing among the 1300 folks entered in the Navarre Beach races on Saturday, January 10, 2004. Jan Starnes and I...

Mothers in Motion – More GWTC Role Models

Mothers In MotionBy Lisa UngerMore GWTC Role ModelsOne of the prominent functions of GWTC is to encourage youth running and there are many opportunities for young people to participate in the sport through the club. Just being with their running parents and around...

Bluebird Run for Brookie B 5K and One Mile

Bluebird Run for Brookie B 5K & 1 Mile Herb Wills, September 2, 2019 From Herb WillsIn Tallahassee there isn’t a race on every holiday, but since 2015 (with a year off for hurricanes) the Bluebird Run For Brookie B has had Labor Day covered. Here is what...

Happy New Year To Infinity and Beyond 2009

To infinity and beyond – Happy New Year! Judy Alexander, January 2009 I could not be more honored to have been afforded the opportunity to lead this amazing running club of ours! It has been interesting and enlightening serving on the board under at least five...

Youth Running in the Big Bend

Youth Running in the Big Bend August 2019 Jackson Yarbrough and Alyson Churchill were the winning duo at Dueling Summits (Herb) Apalachee Regional Park’s 2019 cross-country schedule–the second decade begins (Herb) Leon County Schools’ 2019 middle...