Annual Awards nominations sought

The Grand Prix Committee is seeking nominations for the annual GWTC awards to recognize outstanding accomplishments of club members. Nominations are due December 1, 2003, to any member of the Grand Prix Committee (Mike Sims, Jane Johnson, Lisa Unger, Jo Lena Pace and...

Sundberg 5K results handicapped

By Fred Deckert This is a handicap table. Age handicaps are calculated from ages 15 up. The B.M.I is Body Mass Index. Taken for this exercise at 21 which would equal 1 on this chart. All ratios under 1 are calculated without handicap. Above 1 indicates above the...

Even the changes change!

Mothers in Motion  By Lisa Unger (Adapted from an article by Robin Nagle that originally appeared in Running Times magazine mom-to-be will go through countless changes during her nine-month journey to motherhood. It’s a good thing, too,...

Marla Runyan:The Courage to See

By Mary Jean Yon Face it, we’re all charmed and intrigued by Olympians. To understand the long path of hard work and perseverance needed to get to the Olympics is to heighten the sense of awe we have as we watch these giants in competition. For some the journey to...

PRs and other such things

By Fred Johnson Attaining a personal record is a cherished event, especially as one advances in years and the opportunities for these experiences dwindle with each passing birthday. I was privileged this year to have recorded two “PRs:” One in the 50K and...