On taking the long way around

On Taking the Long Way Around   Gordon Cherr   My quest to run the Shut In Trail Race on November 3 reached warp speed on October 3 when I was accepted into the field limited to 150 runners. There were in excess of 600 applications. The field is limited...

Slowing down the world

Slowing Down the World   By Gordon Cherr   A View from the Top I have been taking many long runs alone in the far mountains lately. Ostensibly training for the Shut In Trail Run, one of the toughest mountain races in the continental United States. Shut In is...

Running in the wild

Running in the Wild A View From the Top   By Gordon Cherr,   David Guerra’s fine article in the August, 2001 issue of the Fleet Foot, about running into black bears in the St. Mark’s National Wildlife Refuge, coincidentally coupled with the...

Trace Ridge Trail Head

Trace Ridge Trail Head   By Gordon Cherr   The race advertisement for the Trace Ridge Time Trial – 9 Miles, boldly announced: This race is for the well trained.” It was right to the point. Anything else would have been surplusage and unnecessary....

Mountain to Sea Trail

Some Not So Random Musings While Running on the Mountain to Sea Trail   By Gordon Cherr   I have felt as though we have been thrust into a time warp lately. Not to introduce politics into the entirely apolitical forum of running (right, ask Steve Prefontaine...

A view from the top

A View From the TopGordon Cherr, This is a serious running town, this Asheville, NC. Serious weather in the winter and late spring, serious dogs who show little mercy and owners who show less concern about a local leash law, a no nonsense running store, eschewing all...