
Friends   David Yon,    It is almost as hard for friends to meet, As for the morning and evening stars. Tonight then is a rare event. China Daily Newspaper quoting Du Fu., Chinese Poet (712-770) of the Tang Dynasty   There is an Olympic ideal that for a...

Lawyers Not Necessary in Beijing

Lawyers Not Necessary in Beijing   David Yon,   Our first trip to the “Bird’s Nest” in Beijing provided a truly unique Chinese experience. We had just moved through a set of toll gates and traffic was merging from all directions reducing the flow to a pace...

The Transition Zone

The Transition Zone   David Yon,   Floridians know the “joy” of anxiously watching an approaching storm trying to decide whether to go or cancel a trip. This however was a first. Our flight from Tallahassee to Hong Kong by way of Atlanta and Seoul, South...

Wheels Up

Wheels Up   David Yon,   The Olympics represent a cross roads where sport and politics meet. As much as we want to believe the two can be separate the sheer grandeur and enormity of the Games assures that will never be the case. This year’s games held in...

Eugene – Track Town USA

Eugene – Track Town, USA   David Yon,    When you step off the plane and walk into the Eugene airport the first thing you see is “Welcome to Track Town, USA.” There is no doubt this place deserves to host the Olympic Track Trials and the moniker “Track...

Running Mecca

Running Mecca   David Yon,   Tallahassee’s status as a running Mecca took a big step forward this weekend. Already home of one of the country’s best trail systems, an outstanding local running club and support system, strong high school programs with good...