Stories Behind the Statistics

Stories Behind the Statistics Jay Wallace, March 26, 2021 On February 29, 2020, Jacob Riley took  2nd place at the U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials in Atlanta with a time of 2:10:02.  He was 42 seconds behind the more familiar Galen Rupp, who has been an Olympic silver...
Running Can Still Bring us Together

Running Can Still Bring us Together

Running can still bring us together David Yon, March 22, 2021 ​Running can still bring us together. It is a hell that can hardly be imagined while sitting in the comfort of my home. But hearing the anguish in the hospital administrator’s voice makes me know something...
Hallowed Ground

Hallowed Ground

Hallowed Ground David Yon, January 19, 2021 When you want to tackle a difficult task, it is most helpful to have the right team and, if you can, the right time and place.  It has been nearly a year since GWTC produced a live race.  The GWTC Triathletes hosted a...

A Conversation with Mark Priddy, GWTC President

Mark Priddy took over the duties of President of Gulf Winds Track Club on January 1. 2021 after winning an election.  GWTC has not escaped the challenges of 2020. Mark has done just about every job possible for GWTC and is ready to lead the club in 2021. These are...