On the Road Again D Yon 10-2020

On the Road Again David Yon, October 13, 2020 It has been a long time coming but I can finally start a column by saying: “18-year-old Bryce Bass was the first competitor across the finish line in the 2020 St. Marks Duathlon.   His time of 1:02:49 put him a little more...

Good Things Still Happen D Yon 09-2020

Good Things Still Happen David Yon, September 1, 2020 ​Yes, good things do still happen.  Sometimes, however, it takes awhile. Approximately 40 years ago, Ervin Holiday approached the Directors of the Sickle Cell Foundation, Inc. with the idea of holding a 5K race...

A VIEW FROM THE TOP – September 6, 2020

A View from the Top - Insignificance Gordon Cherr, September 6, 2020 Heading out for the early morning run when I was struck by the little breeze bending through the trees. It happens every year. If we pay attention, we runners are so attuned to the seasons, their...

Distance Running has new meaning for Hay family

Distance Running Has New Meaning for Hay Family David Yon, August 11, 2020 We like to talk about being family in the Tallahassee and Gulf Winds Track Club running community. This week’s column is a chance to send a first-class member of that family off to college. In...

Grand Prix News 2020-2021

​Gulf Winds Family,  We are writing to inform you of several  updates. First of all, we have decided to officially cancel the 2020 Grand Prix competition. With the current status of the COVID-19 pandemic, we do not want to pressure any race director or potential...

Chattanooga 100 Miler and 10,000 feet of Climbing D Yon 04-2020

The Chattanooga 100 Miler and 10,000 feet of Climbing David Yon, April 29, 2020 Compared to the marathon, relatively few individuals start and finish a race of 100 miles or more. Obviously, the distance is far greater than the marathon (26.219 miles) but that is only...