Local races challenge runners by Gary Droze

Local races challenge runners By Gary Droze Runners new to Tallahassee quickly discover its treasures for training: the city itself is peppered with soft-surfaced tracks, and wooded trails await just minutes from the Capitol, in all four directions. But what good is...

Examine all options for weak points by Fred Deckert

Examine all options for weak points By Fred Deckert You remember Oliver Wendell Holmes’s “The Wonderful One-Hoss Shay”? This was the poem/story of a carriage that was built to last forever. All the failure prone parts were especially strengthened...

Introducing speed to your workouts by Dana Stetson

Introducing speed to your workouts By Dana Stetson Ray Krolewicz said it best. He said Ultra runner’s need speedwork to run ultras like chess players need weight lifting to play chess. Most long distance runners, today, seem to agree with this philosophy.This is...

Menstrual cycle affects women differently by Gary Droze

Menstrual cycle affects women differently By Gary Droze Happily, we are past the days when the menstrual cycle was cited (mostly by men) as a factor that should preclude female involvement in sports such as competitive distance running. Many women have accomplished...

Choose the right shoes by Fred Deckert

Choose the right shoes By Fred Deckert What’s the most important part of a runners body? Heart, lungs, legs, feet? Of course they’re all vital, but only the heart, lungs and legs are amenable to training. The feet do a lot of work and take a lot of shock,...

An uneasy tribute by Dana Stetson

An uneasy tribute By Dana Stetson It was past eleven miles in the Tallahassee Marathon, and things were not going well. As I ran around a small curve, a moment of inexplicable clarity occurred. At this moment I was struck by an undeniable truth. This truth was that I...