Walking a runners prerogative by Fred Deckert

Walking a runners’ prerogative By Fred Deckert I’ve often talked with non-runners or casual runners who are amazed at the distances most of us run. Not just the marathon, but even the ubiquitous 5K gets it’s share of the comment, “I could never...

FAMU ROTC runners inspiring by Dana Stetson

FAMU ROTC runners inspiring By Dana Stetson There is a running group in town, the FAMU ROTC running team, that recently showed what a combination of good training and dedication can accomplish. The team had a total of nine entrants in the recently held Tallahassee...

Coaches give good advice by Gary Droze

Coaches give good advice By Gary Droze I recently attended the Florida Athletic Coaches’ Track and Field Clinic, with the highest of hopes. The clinicians possessed Olympic credentials, and while the attendees mostly represented competitive high school and...

To log or not to log by Fred Deckert

To log or not to log By Fred Deckert To log or not to log? Running is an activity that lends itself well to documentation. My running logs go back many years, some in small notebooks, some in old diaries, etc. I don’t believe I’ve ever used a formal...

Marathon a rewarding experience by Dana Stetson

Marathon a rewarding experience By Dana Stetson Tallahassee has the best marathon in the world (in my opinion). In the last five years this race has moved back into town and eventually to its northeast location. When Peg and Gary Griffin took over as race directors,...

Resolution time by Fred Deckert

Resolution time By Fred Deckert Resolution time is here! For good or ill, it’s that time of year when we want to make a new start at improving our lives. Do you remember last year’s resolutions? Did you follow through on them? Of course, since resolutions...