Time well spent by Fred Deckert

Time well spent By Fred Deckert Running is bor…ing! So is walking, according to many of my acquaintances. Admitted, if all you do is think about is putting one foot ahead of the other. Fortunately, running and walking take very little concentration, so your mind is...

CCCC train hard by Jeanne O’Kon

CCCC train hard By Jeanne O’Kon The recent heat and humidity in Tallahassee have discouraged many of us from engaging in rigorous physical activity outside during the day. At this time of year, even the most dedicated runners usually opt for the cooler early...

Racing is good fun by Fred Deckert

Racing is good fun By Fred Deckert For every runner I see at races I would estimate I see perhaps 5 other unfamiliar faces running around the roads. It seems that many folks are taking to heart the “Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner.” On the other...

Why do I run? by Jeff Bryan

Why do I run? By Jeff Bryan Ernest Hemingway wrote in “For Whom The Bell Tolls,” “Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today.” I don’t...

Tough trail at Torreya by Dana Stetson

Tough trail at Torreya By Dana Stetson,  We exited the woods looking much more like refugees than recreational runners. The people attending the wedding at the park couldn’t possibly have understood what had happened to us. What had happened is the toughest...

Beginner’s running class by Julie Clark

Beginner’s running class Running Column Julie Clark Have you ever said to yourself “I wish I could get in shape, but I just don’t have the energy/time/motivation/money” or “I’d like to exercise if I could just get started” ?...