An incredible run by Dana Stetson

An incredible run Dana Stetson Carl Touchstone 50K Trail Race. “Stream crossing” was the first thing Gary Griffin said when I asked him about the Mississippi 50K. Much later on I would remember this conversation as a remarkable omen, but at the time it...

Take a walk by Fred Deckert

Take a walk Fred Deckert Have you ever thought about the running/walking connection? I’ve been forced to do that as my stamina has decreased. For long runs and races I now intersperse walk breaks. So, naturally I try to analyze the difference. If you watch...

Relay runners rally for Tim by Fred Deckert

Relay runners rally for Tim Fred Deckert Leon High School Track has seen many different scenes but probably none more varied than the sight at the “Run 10 for Tim” Superman Relay on Sunday. There were folks in wheelchairs, some in costumes, others in...

Run for the Cookies a popular event by Jeanne O’Kon

Run for the Cookies a popular event By Jeanne O’Kon Hear ye! Hear ye! One of the most enjoyable annual community events is just around the corner.The Run for the Cookies 5K Run and One Mile Run will be held on a fast, flat course at Tallahassee Community College...

Try running Springtime as a team! by Jere Moore

Try running Springtime as a team! Jere Moore Nothing makes for lasting camaraderie and togetherness like going through a time of trial together, like taking final exams in college, finishing the last week of basic training, or running the last mile of the Springtime...

Why my parents are obsessed with running by Danice Stetson

Why my parents are obsessed with running Danice Stetson For all the kids out there whose parents love to run, this article is for you. You see, my Mom and Dad love to run. My Dad, Dana Stetson, has been in many so-called races. (I like to think of these as war battles...