Safer, more fun training in the water by Dot Skofronick

Safer, more fun training in the water Dot Skofronik  Do you already long for the cool mornings of the fall? Summer training can be made more productive, more fun and safer if carried out in an water aerobics class. The resistance, support and compression of water...

Aging race competitors by Fred Deckert

Aging race competitors Fred Deckert Perusing the results for the Humanatee 5K I was struck again by the “aging” of our race competitors. Out of 138 runners, fully 60 of 84 males were 40+ and 26 of 54 females were in that category with an extra 14 females...

Finding the right distance by Fred Deckert

Finding the right distance Fred Deckert  What’s the right running distance for you? There are lots more variables to this than first come to mind. Where are you in your running program? Beginner or experienced runner? Youth, mature, or well ripened? Overweight, other...

Exercise in the New Year by Jeanne O’Kon

Exercise in the New Year By Jeanne O’Kon It is once again the time of year for making New Year’s Resolutions.In fact, what better time to make some life-changing resolutions than at the beginning of a new millennium?Consider making a resolution that will impact...

A pair of long runs by Dana Stetson

A pair of long runs make for two challenging weeks Dana Stetson Running The challenge was easy — to understand, at least. Run 50 miles with Gary Griffin at the Bartram Bash in Auburn, Ala., and then run the La Chua 50K in Gainesville the next weekend. At first...

Running Etiquette by Jean-Maree Phillips

Running etiquette, sidewalks and do Tallahassee dogs understand foreign languages? Jean-Maree Phillips I’m an avid runner, albeit a slow one and I know that most (sane?) people don’t understand the logic behind running – using a lot of effort to go...